Group Details - firefox-addons (x86_64)

10 packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra browserpass-firefox 3.8.0-2 Firefox extension for Browserpass, browser extension for zx2c4's pass (password manager) 2024-05-30
any Extra firefox-adblock-plus 3.25.1-1 Extension for firefox which block ads and banners 2024-05-04
any Extra firefox-dark-reader 4.9.86-1 Inverts brightness of web pages and aims to reduce eyestrain while browsing the web 2024-05-30
any Extra firefox-decentraleyes 2.0.19-2 Local emulation of Content Delivery Networks 2024-04-10
any Extra firefox-extension-mailvelope 5.1.2-1 Browser extension for OpenPGP encryption with Webmail 2024-03-04
any Extra firefox-extension-passff 1.17.0-1 zx2c4 pass manager addon for firefox 2024-05-16
any Extra firefox-noscript 11.4.29-1 Extension for firefox which disables javascript 2024-03-02
any Extra firefox-tree-style-tab 4.0.15-1 Firefox extension to show tabs like a tree 2024-05-20
any Extra firefox-tridactyl 1.24.1-1 Replace Firefox's control mechanism with one modelled on Vim 2024-04-10
any Extra firefox-ublock-origin 1.58.0-1 Efficient blocker add-on for various browsers. Fast, potent, and lean 2024-05-21